March 2023 News Update

FOWB Committee is very concerned that the Safeguard Mechanism legislation the Australian Government is introducing for climate action is completely inadequate to deal with the very real chance of catastrophic and perhaps irreversible climate breakdown.

As it stands it allows unlimited expansion of coal and gas despite science saying there must be no new fossil fuel mines or wells. Under the legislation offsets can be used to counter the massive expansion in emissions this would cause

We ask FOWB members to take action in the next few days to demand changes to the planned legislation.

Please contact local ALP politicians to listen to science, to care about future generations, not the largely overseas owners of our fossil fuel industries. Penny Wong (02) 6277 750  or via a Getup site at

Community Alliance SA submission to the Inquiry into the Urban Forest by the Parliamentary Environment, Resources and Development Committee

Submission can be found on the Connections page of the  Friends of Willunga Basin website

Community Alliance SA (CASA) is an overarching community group whose main objective has been to change the planning laws in order to combat poor planning and development and lack of tree protection right across the suburbs of Greater Adelaide including east to Mount Barker and south to the Fleurieu Coast.

FOWB is one of 39 member groups that form the Community Alliance SA and who are concerned that not only does the Significant and Regulated Tree Legislation of 2011 fail to protect any tree (significant or otherwise) but that under the State Planning and Design Code built development is prioritised over both heritage and trees.

Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board Grassroots Grants program for 2023-2024 to support individual landholders, volunteers, First Nations, schools, community organisations, and not-for-profit groups working locally for environmental and primary production benefits.

Applications open on 7 March at 10am and close on 18 April 2023 at midday.

$250,000 in funding is available across the region, which may be used to kick start a new project, or build upon an existing one. Funding will be awarded on merit to projects that demonstrate the best value for money and delivery of outcomes that address the priorities in the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Plan 2021-2026. There are two tiers of grants available - small grants up to $3,000, and larger grants for projects up to $20,000.

Although FOWB is not applying for this round, you might be interested on applying as an individual or as part of a group. For everything you need to know about the application process, including guidelines, FAQs and application forms, visit  Landscape SA Grassroot Grants 2023-2024

Aldinga to Willunga Shared Use Path

A small group of Friends of Willunga Basin met with council staff  to discuss progress of the Aldinga to Willunga Shared Use Path. Concept Design Section 1 involved undertaking extensive investigations including tree survey/ heritage searches/ service depthing/ geotechnical testing and is now complete. Section 2 is now underway and it is also the beginning of a broader community engagement process.

The project staff reported that:

  • as no structure can be built over the water main on the northern side of Aldinga Rd there will be no structures that will create a visual barrier between the road and the path

  • there are some opportunities for new trees and landscaping to occur between the path and the road

  • the majority of existing trees have been retained - only one tree (almond) at the intersection of Flour Mill and Aldinga Rd needs to be removed. 


May 2023 News Update


February 2023 News Update